The OM Series I

Featuring the naturally rich and un-dyed brown wool of the Irish sheep Zwartbles, The OM Series derives from a 1600 year old alphabet Ogham, used mainly to write the early Irish language. Known for monumental inscriptions on standing stones, its history dates back to at least the third or fourth century A.D, placing it in use long before the arrival of Latin to Ireland. Also called the tree alphabet, some believe it was created by druids and scholars as a secret form of communication. These mysterious letters of Ogham were paired with ancient Irish tree and plant species, many of which were considered sacred but have all but disappeared from Ireland’s landscape today.

“The early Celts venerated certain trees across Europe and we share their fascination with the ancient Irish sigils of Ogham. We like to imagine this tree alphabet brings one closer to the natural world while also creating a rug or tapestry design that can spell just about any word”


Black Sheep


The OM Series II